Indoor go-karting in Strasbourg: opening hours, address and directions

How do I get to the track? How much does a session cost?

Check our opening hours and our map for information about how to get to your indoor go-kart track. The entertainment complex is open from Tuesday to Sunday to the general public, and by reservation on Mondays. Also check out the different go-kart sessions for kids and adults, and our packages for companies.

Opening hours

Monday*: 14:00-23:00*
Tuesday: 14:00-23:00
Wednesday: 14:00-23:00
Thursday: 14:00-midnight
Friday: 14:00-midnight
Saturday: 09:30-midnight
Sunday  /  National holidays: 11:00-20:00

*Open only on December Mondays & School holidays

Opening hours during school holidays (zone B)

Monday*: 14:00-23:00*
Tuesday: 14:00-23:00
Wednesday: 14:00-23:00
Thursday: 14:00-midnight
Friday: 14:00-midnight
Saturday: 09:30-midnight
Sunday  /  National holidays: 11:00-20:00

*Open only on December Mondays & School holidays

Your indoor karting track in Strasbourg

14 rue des Frères Lumière, 67201 Eckbolsheim

Contact us at 03 67 86 00 16 or via our contact page.


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